CWDM MUX and Demux are compact, hot plugging transceivers, which is used in both telecommunication and data communication fields. It is versatile enough that it can be used in both the fields and takes their work pressure on its shoulder. It has the form factor designs and the electrical interface pointed by the multi-source agreement (MSA) under the small factory committee.
Its mechanism
Basically MUX and Demux are called as multiplexers or demultiplexers which are used by combining or separately for different wavelength. They are usually the passive or optical components for Bi or unidirectional operation. Its features are low insertion loss and high channel isolation, compact design for maximum use or optimum system integration; it is high in return loss, high thermal, stable in mechanical and environmental requirements and last but not the least the customer specification. In simple language it is simply understandable that it comes in small and mini size, it has a wide pass band and Epoxy free.
It is used in transmission system, link monitoring, Add- drop- multiplexing, metropolitan network, CATV system, etc. Its application area is vast as the whole communication and data transmission depends on it. Other than that it is supplied in several housing sizes with tube pigtails and reinforced wire pigtails. It is available in all connector standard types. Ideally, it is applied on line monitoring, WDM network telecommunication cellular application, fiber optical amplifier and access network.
Future aspects
Both the communication and data transmission industries cannot be imagined even working without this product because it is like a fuel injector without which a machine will not work. After having a conversation with the technical experts it can be said that there is no replacement found now for this product. Its future is secured and even it also secures the future of the data and communication industry. The experiments for making the procedure easy is on the way soon our world will have new technology, but the level of success it have, is not easily achievable.
I hope you get the importance, features, designs and applications of the compact CWDM MUX and Demux. It is a whole and a sole pillar for smooth working and easy transmission of the data. It helps in solving the problem of the communication industry and it also tries to keep the problems away. This blog’s object is to educate people about the working style of the industries that are the base of today’s world.