The Features and Characteristics of Optically Fused Couplers

An optically fused coupler is an optical device that is capable of connecting one or more fiber ends in order to allow transmission of light waves in multiple paths. The device combines two or more inputs into a single output and also divides a single input into two or more outputs. The couplers are broadly classified into active and passive devices. The signals are attenuated by fiber optic couplers and input signals can be divided amongst the output ports.

How does the optically fused works?

The fused coupler is a common technology and if the claddings of two or more fibers are partially removed then it is placed in close proximity over some length. It results in the coupling of lights from one fiber to the other. The fraction that couples gets controlled by the thickness of the remaining cladding and the length of the region where the fibers are in proximity.

The couplers are made taking a group of fibers with the cladding exposed and heating the junction. The details of fused fiber coupler operation depend on whether the fibers are multimode or single mode. The degree of coupling depends on length of the coupling zone and does not depend on the wavelength. The light is transferred between the two cores in a resonant interaction that varies in length. As the light enters one fiber, it gets gradually transferred to the other, shifting back and forth cyclically.

There are many benefits of using fiber optic couplers. It has low excess loss, dual operating window, high stability, reliability and low polarization. The couplers have high directivity and low insertion loss. The application use optical couplers like community antenna networks, optical communication systems and fiber-to-home technology.

Here is the list of different optically fused coupler available in the market –

  • 1×2 (2×2) Single Mode Standard Coupler (SSC)
  • 1×2 (2×2) Dual Window Coupler (DWC)
  • 1×2 (2×2) Three-Window Coupler (TWC)
  • 1×2 (2×2) Wide Band Coupler (WBC)
  • 1×2 (2×2) All Band Coupler (ABC)
  • 1×2 (2×2) Mini Size Standard Coupler (MSSSC)
  • 1×2 (2×2) Mini Size Dual Window Coupler (MSDWC)
  • 1×2 (2xN) Single Mode Coupler Module
  • 1×2 (2×2) Mini Size Wide Band Coupler (NSWBC)
  • 1×2 (NxN) Monolithic Single Mode Coupler

The optically fused couplers are used to combine and separate optical signals transmitted on different wavelengths. The intensity profile of the light traveling down a singlemode fiber and the intensity is greatest in the center and tapers off as the core/cladding interface is approached. A waveguide coupler is Y-shaped and it divides input waveguide into two outputs. The fused WDM couplers may be used to add additional functionality to the network like network status monitoring.

The fused WDM couplers are the cost-effective way to minimize a loss and maximize the wavelength isolation. Make sure that the couplers are bought according to the requirement of the business.