Top Reasons to Choose DWDM Mux/Demux

With the internet, there has been a large influx of data, and while this is good for a business as data helps in many ways, it is a challenge to handle big data. Highly efficient and capable data transmission speed seems inevitable.

To solve the paradox of increasing bandwidth with less spending, DWDM Mux/Demux is the perfect choice. This is designed to be capable of transporting even extremely large capacity of data traffic in telecom networks. And all that with high level of efficiency and a greater speed!

A great solution to the bandwidth explosion from the access network!

What is WDM and how does it work?

WDM which stands for wavelength division multiplexing is the process whereby various light waves are multiplexed into one single signal that can be transmitted through an optical fiber.

But the light signals indexed into single signal split into different light waves at the receiver end. There are versions: coarse wavelength division nultiplexing (CWDM) and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM).

And the ‘wavelength steps between the channels’ is the main deference between these WDMs.  For example, while it is 20nm (course for CWDM, for DWDM this is typically 0.8nm (dense).

But here we will discuss the latter, DWDM technology: how it works, its benefits and also the drawbacks if there are any.

DWDM technology works to integrate multiple signals at different wavelengths over the same fiber. This technology is the result of long efforts to find a better solution to the growing need for efficient and capable data transmission. It is uses different colors (wavelength) which are integrated into a device called Mux/Demux which stands for multiplexer/demultiplexer. These devices are meant to integrate and segregate the signals respectively. Mux is used at the feeding end while the Demux on the receiving end.

As the function of Mux is to select one of several input signals to send to the output, it is also called a data selector. It acts as a multiple-input and single-output switch which sends optical signals at high speed over a single fiber optic cable. It eliminates the need for using several devices for different input signals. With Mux, sending a large amount of data over the network at a higher speed is now feasible.

On the contrary, Demux that has one input and more than one out-puts can send one single input signal to one of many devices. Its main purchase is to receive a signal comprising multiple optical frequencies and separates it into its frequency components.

DWDM Mux/Demux modules provide the advantages of DWDM technology in a fully passive solution. They are perfect for long form transmission. In fact, they have a long list of benefits provided you choose the right one for you.  To make the most, you should buy your DWDM Mux/Demux from a reputed supplier like DK Photonics which is known for providing a wide range of high quality optical passive components in China.