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How 980/1550nm Fused WDM Enhances Fiber Optic Communication


Fiber optic communication has changed how we send information. It’s fast and can carry lots of data, but as we need to send more and more data, we need better ways to use these fiber optic cables.


This is where 980/1550nm Fused WDM comes in. It’s a tool that helps us send even more data through the same cables. In this blog, we will look at how it works and why it’s important.

What Is WDM?


Let us first review WDM before discussing fused WDM at 980/1550 nm. Wavelength division multiplexing is referred to as WDM. It allows for the simultaneous transmission of several signals over a single fiber optic cable.


Each signal uses a different color of light. This means we can send more data without needing more cables.

Understanding 980/1550nm Fused WDM


980/1550nm Fused WDM is a special type of WDM. It works with two specific colors of light: 980 nm and 1550 nm. These are invisible to our eyes, but they are perfect for sending data through fiber optic cables.


The “Fused” part means that the device that handles these two colors is made in a special way. It’s very stable and works well.

How 980/1550nm Fused WDM Works


980/1550nm Fused WDM does two main things. First, it combines the 980 nm and 1550 nm light signals into one fiber, and this is called multiplexing.


It then separates these signals once more at the other end. This is called demultiplexing. It resembles two distinct roads coming together to form one, only to split apart once more at the end.

Why These Wavelengths?


You may be wondering why we utilize 1550nm and 980nm. These wavelengths are unique for communication via fiber optics.  A great wavelength for long-distance communication is 1550 nm.


It doesn’t lose much power as it travels. The 980 nm wavelength is often used to boost signals. By using both, we can send data far away and keep the signal strong.

Boosting Signal Strength


One big use of 980/1550nm fused WDM is in signal boosters. As light travels through a fiber, it gets weaker. We use devices called amplifiers to make it stronger again.


These amplifiers often use 980nm light to boost 1550nm signals. The 980/1550nm fused WDM helps manage this process efficiently.

Increasing Data Capacity


By using 980/1550nm fused WDM, we can send more data through a single fiber. This is really important, as we use more and more data every day.


Think about all the videos, messages, and files we send over the internet. All of this needs to travel through fiber optic cables. 980/1550nm fused WDM helps make sure we can handle all this data.



980/1550nm fused WDM is an important technology in fiber optic communication. It helps us send more data through our existing fiber networks. This is crucial as our need for data keeps growing. By combining two important wavelengths of light, it makes our networks more efficient and powerful.