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CLEO 2014: Lasers and electro-optics from lab to marketplace


CLEO, the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, takes place 8 to 13 June in the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California (US).

This international forum will showcase the most significant milestones from laboratory to marketplace. This year there will be 250 companies in the laser and electro-optics industry. A technical research program will feature hundreds of scientific sessions covering the most important technical developments, including hot topic areas such as photonics for brain mapping, molecular imaging, high-power lasers, nanophotonics, optofluidics, nonlinear optics, quantum optics and more.

There will be two Plenary Sessions featuring keynote addresses from laser science luminaries across the globe taking place Tuesday, 10 June, 8:15 a.m. and Wednesday, 11 June, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday’s keynote “Quantum Coherent Networks” will be delivered by Gerhard Rempe, Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, Germany. “Photonic Integrated Circuits as Key Enablers for Datacom, Telecom and Sensor Systems” will be delivered by Larry A. Coldren, University of California, Santa Barbara, (US).

Wednesday’s keynote, “Fibers and the Future”, will be delivered by David Payne, University of Southampton, UK.

Special symposia

This year’s 15 Special Symposia represent a broad range of topics such as neurophotonics, photonics for miniaturization, silicon photonic integration, laser processing for consumer electronics and nanobiophotonics, as well as Special Symposium in Memory of James Gordon;and the Howard Schlossberg Retirement Symposium. The symposia will take place Monday, 9 June to Friday, 13 June, in the San Jose Convention Center and in the Marriott San Jose.

CLEO: Expo

In addition to the 250 participating companies from across the globe, CLEO: Expo features show floor programming that highlights business trends and market applications, taking place 10 to 12 June. Part of the CLEO: Applications & Technology program, market sessions focus on the latest trends in the photonics marketplace. A key feature of the program will be a survey of market trends and market sector outlook. Panel topics include:

Emerging Mid-Infrared Market Opportunities: Air Quality Monitoring Related to Energy Extraction
The Solid-State Lighting Revolution: How LEDs are Transforming the $75 Billion Lighting Market
Operational Strategies for the Laser and Photonics Industry
The Future of “Enabling” Photonics Innovation